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Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

At Phoenix Nursery School, we recognise that every child is an individual who has individual needs, which will affect their learning.


We are committed to the equal inclusion of all children and when a child starts at our school we encourage parents/carers to share information about their child and to share any concerns they might have. In addition, we will observe every child to gain an understanding of their developmental needs. We observe children on a daily basis and during the first few weeks of starting school, and we use this information to plan effectively for every child.


We recognise the individual strengths and needs of all children and make adaptations so that they are able to access the curriculum and learning opportunities available at our school.

Our Commitment to Special Educational Needs 

At Ashmore Park and Phoenix Nursery Schools Federation we have professionals who work alongside staff, parents/carers and external agencies to ensure that children with SEND receive the appropriate support and high quality teaching whilst attending one of our schools. Governor involvement is also pivotal as it ensures the quality and effectiveness of SEND and disability provision is monitored across the Federation.


The Federation SENDCo is            - Mrs Jane Parocki

The SEND Link Governor is           - Mrs Michelle Cook


We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our SEND commitment, please click on the link(s) below to view our policies:

Useful Websites, Links and Downloads

Wolverhampton Information, Advice & Support Service

Cerebra - Sleep Advice Service

​BBC Bitesize

ERIC - Specialist Potty Training Advice

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